Personal Training Online

Personal training online works when two people (the online coach and the client) are working together to give the client advice on training online.

I offer services such as:

6,12,24 week bespoke training plan from the number 1 online personal trainer in Surrey, UK • Customised Overview Macronutrient plan • Unlimited Instant Message Support With Jon • Access your plan anywhere • Weekly check ins

I am now working towards and online portal for my clients to trial and use whilst they exercise and train.

It will Include available content online any time of the day for a small subscription cost. 

Personal training online is the best service to achieve results with constant guidance. There is no more guess work, just consistent bespoke training from a dedicated young ex-athlete in the field for 12 years, following wrong training plans can lead to a large barrier that can even stop you from training all together, let me optimize your workouts and fast track your progress.

Getting ON BOARD

First once payment has been made on the online store you will receive an email from myself within hours, you will then receive a questionnaire that will help me understand your hormonal issues from the get go. This will allow me to know more about yourself and will help with circumstances and preferences.

24/7 Support

You will then receive a call to discuss your program, to view your expected results, plus a monthly, weekly review check in/call and unlimited instant messaging support.

Training Program and Meal Plan

You will then receive your training programme and meal plan that will be adapted weekly/monthly. There is no guess work, you’re guided through every step of the way.

Your custom meal plan will have your exact caloric intake for your goals with evenly specific macronutrient targets based on your phase. 

Beyond Coaching

As part of your journey, I will guide you to the best of my knowledge in other areas to help improve your overall lifestyle. This is a lifestyle change so changing habits are the key to keeping long term results. 


As part of your online journey, I am focused on natural medicine, having a variety of plants “Scientists have estimated that there are 390,900 plants known to science.” That’s what’s known to science, as we know, science changes and pretty sure there are new types of plants found yearly. The most potent supplements come from a variety of different plants, I will guide you through in depth supplementation. 

Keep reading on for some infomation on natural medcine...

The Online Medicine

Over 600 herbs used in Ayurvedic…(Chinese traditional medicine is another great tool to be used)

Fat loss?
Muscle atrophy?

The list goes on…

As well as 1000’s years ago generation’s knew that most diseases are caused by the foods we eat. Modern nutritional science is still in its infancy and could learn a great deal from ‘Ayurvedic medicine’ and its ancient sciences. Malabsorption, low salt diets, assimilation of nutrients, incompatible foods, all sounds very modern…..but all these different aspects of diet were written about thousands of years ago with a greater understanding than most modern nutritionists care to admit.

Technology has advanced tremendously however us humans have not changed, our bodies have not changed, babies still come out of the mother; We still hold similar desires and dreams, similar fears and anxieties, hunger and sickness etc.

personal training online

Ayurvedic Medicine

Many Ayurvedic materials have not been thoroughly studied in either Western or Indian research. Some of the products used in Ayurvedic medicine contain herbs, metals, minerals, or other materials that may be harmful if used improperly or without the direction of a trained practitioner. 

Ayurvedic medicines are regulated as dietary supplements rather than as drugs in the United States, so they are not required to meet the safety and efficacy standards for conventional medicines. These medicines can interact, or work against, the effects of Western medicines. Investigate the training and background of Ayurvedic practitioners whom you intend to use.

reference: Ayurveda | Johns Hopkins Medicine

“There’s a popular saying among doctors: There’s no such thing as alternative medicine; if it works, it’s just called medicine.”

Are you looking for training advice that will stop the guess work and give your real results, Start Personal Training Online Today ?

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