How do you optimize your hormone's

Hormone Imbalace

The main function of the endocrine glands is to secrete hormones into the blood stream, hormones are chemical substances that help trigger, release, control other parts of the body. Hormones are the messengers, communicators to get the body doing what needs to be done. 

There are key factors to consider when improving health and nutrition these six factors are Insulin, Oestrogen, Cortisol, Testosterone, Growth Hormone and Thyroid.

You need to improve these so the bodily functions ready for the transformation whether that is Aesthetic or Athletic. I would advise you be more of an instrument rather than an ornament, the Vitruvian man is the ideal body specification with the right athletic performance this will create not only an aesthetic pleasing body but also a body that performs. 

When attempting to adjust hormone balance we just understand that consistency is key. The vast majority of clients have imbalances not allowing them to achieve optimal performance, due to lifestyle. I’m sure you have heard that sleep is what helps us recover, well at night its when the body repairs itself. 

For females this can be stressful going through their menstrual cycle which will effect sleep if protocols such as routine isn’t implemented, plus in our day and age with the chemicals that are in our food, birth control, work stress and many other worldly stresses will effect our bodies response to how it should be functioning. 

Read this article on Sleep and Circadian Rhythm for optimal performance

Sleep and Circadian Rhythm | Hormone Health Network

Hormone treatment is an option to those who suffer from deficiencies, however this shouldn’t be the go to!

Let’s go through quick a brief of each major hormone!

Insulin – The most powerful hormone in the body which shuttles glycogen to and from where it needs to go, this hormone is responsible for illnesses such as diabetes. 

Oestrogen – It’s the key female sex hormone which is primarily for puberty, menstrual cycles and pregnancy. On another note, this hormone is still a hormone used in male bodies for the sexual reproductive system.

The role of estradiol in male reproductive function (

Cortisol – The stress hormone which has its Pro’s and Con’s. A powerful tool in the human body which controls how your body uses carbohydrates, fats and proteins, it keeps inflammation down, regulates blood pressure, increases blood sugar, controls when you sleep and wake and does many other amazing jobs! 

Testosterone – The hormone which keeps males multiplying, lack of testosterone leads to low sex drive, fatigue, irritable, depression and many other issues.  Woman on the other hand do not need an abundance of this hormone, their are issues with woman having too much testosterone. 

Growth Hormone – The hormone which does what it says, helps with growth of organs, repair cells, hair, nails, muscles, you name it… growth hormone is the key hormone which keeps us young. 

Take a closer look with in-depth look at a paper to molecularly break down how it works.

Normal Physiology of Growth Hormone in Adults – Endotext – NCBI Bookshelf (

Thyroid – Responsible for metabolic rate controlling heart, muscle, digestive function, bone repair/development, and brain development. 


So, hormones are our chemical messengers, they travel through the bloodstream working slowly over time building growth and development, managing our bodies metabolism, sexual function, reproduction and mood. Hormones are POWERFUL, they pack a punch to change our lifestyle, hence take control over your hormones with a good active clean physical, mental and nutritional life. Decrease the effects of mental health by helping yourself. If you need more information, contact me for help!

I can help you understand what lifestyle that is, I help those Online personal training and I help those that are willing to travel to Epsom, Surrey for one to one personal training. 


Gomez Valiant Performance – Personal Training Epsom – All Round Athlete

11, Highview House, Tattenham Cres, Epsom KT18 5QB


“Hormones are chemical messengers that travel throughout the body coordinating complex processes like growth, metabolism, and fertility. They can influence the function of the immune system, and even alter behaviour. Before birth, they guide development of the brain and reproductive system.”

Work with Jon, to help understand what is going on hormonally.

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