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Qualities Of Communication In Leaders 

Within worldwide squads, or business teams should be based on player/staff well-being, the quality of internal communication within the team/business and the head coach’s/boss leadership style, which will all lead to a healthy outcome of a clear transfer of message within the team for a successful conclusion. Take a look at this study which was done; Communication quality between the medical team and the head coach/manager is associated with injury burden and player availability in elite football clubs | British Journal of Sports Medicine (bmj.com)

I can’t express how important it is to successfully communicate with clients, how important it is to understand knowledge. Ask questions if you don’t understand. The sender/speaker must make sure he/she sends the message to the receiver/hearer with the message understood and processed, if the receiver doesn’t understand the message, the message isn’t perceived therefore there was a fault in transfer of message. Always make sure your receiver/listener has understood what you are explaining. 

The best way to learn any scientific theory is to understand the progression that led to its formation, being vigilant and aware of every detail. 

Once correspondence doesn’t exist on both sides, neither do your outcome.

Using your English for business communication is another part to a successful business relationship which can lead onto more doors opened in the future, if you don’t discuss your goals and plan with other clients, other business minds, you will struggle to achieve the idea you have created.

Understanding someone’s motive behind the message is key, as well as what we have spoken about clearly conveying a message; it’s about understanding the motivation behind the message which is sometimes unclear, and carries an ulterior motive.

You see communicating correctly starts in the home with your spouse and children, try reading a book together as a family. Break down the key points and explain, cross reference with other books, it can be a fun and enjoyable way to practice communicating to help message transfer to your boss or co workers. 

Non-verbal communicating skills is key, you need to be focused and interested in the conversation. The best athletes are the best listeners, use their questions and give them reasonable answers with a bold stance. No one likes talking to anyone who isn’t interested in what they have to say, body language gives this away first prior to the first message that has been sent. Focus on the speaker.

Judgement is key, although people don’t want to hear this, it is! We make good judgements about people all the time…well what about negative judgements, coaching athletes isn’t about ear tickling, its about giving the athletes what they need to hear to improve. This crap that is printed in every news paper articles, shoved on television screens and aired on national radio is an absolute load of junk. In order to progress we need constructive criticism, we don’t need to be ear tickled into a false perception which only leads to a disruption further down the line in performance. Be clear and honest. 

Check out this shorts Sports Coach UK PDF

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Finally asset yourself and keep unrighteous emotions out of the conversation. Communicating should be done with a mentality that thinks, before you speak. Unfortunately emotion destroys the message being put across, It’s not sometimes what you say but how you say it. Keep calm, think before you speak.   


“Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something.”

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