Train Isolation Exercises With Personal Trainer Gomez

Injuries and Rehab

Injuries and rehab are common when training becomes intense, you will be more prone to more injuries due to the workload. This is common with athletes and is a problem that needs to be maintained throughout any training cycle. This issue comes around when strength and conditioning is minimized, this in term puts more pressure on the athlete, making them prone to injury due the minimal strength and conditioning sessions that are tailored to train the athlete all round, hence my name ALL ROUND ATHLETE.

Incorporating Isolation exercises is very important to reduce risk of injury and if your goal is aesthetic then it is a MUST. 

The best Workouts are programmed as followed:

1.Primary – These are your big lifts, your primary moving exercises, your powerlifting exercises (squat, deadlift, bench) / olympic lifting exercises (clean and jerk, snatch)

2.Accessory – The main reason of including accessory exercises into the routine is to aid the primary exercise. The more you can strengthen the supporting muscles, the stronger the prime movers will be. 

3.Assistant – Lastly your assistant exercises will help improve overall performance with isolation exercises to help your smaller muscles get stronger.

Isolation Exercises

Isolation exercises will strengthen your ability to perform heavier, more explosive compound movements. Many times we will be limited to what we can do due to major imbalances in the body. When you start physiotherapy you will find yourself doing isolation exercises to strengthen body parts giving you a stronger body to get back to training. 

103 Isolation Exercises for Your Whole Body (

You can control the workout volume more precise with isolation exercises without impacting the recovery of the other muscles, this also means targeting a specific area. I will be shortly uploading a client portal to this website with a large library of exercises. 

Gomez Valiant Performance All round Athlete | Facebook

If you want to stay updated with when the client portal will be launched you can click the Facebook page link above and I will post updates and release the launch date on the Facebook page. 

Isolation Exercises

“Your love for what you do and willingness to push yourself where others aren’t prepared to go is what will make you great.”

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